You know,... I have tried, very hard to keep the drama of my - TopicsExpress


You know,... I have tried, very hard to keep the drama of my personal life OFF of facebook. I was trying to let this relationship go, with a minimum of bullshit. But when the other person keeps doing anything she can just to hurt you,... Its time to let a little truth shine. This whole thing started over a kitchen stove, if you can believe it. One night, after her daughter had been out... doing whatever she does, until the wee hours of the morning, there was a kitchen stove on the back of the truck. Thats fine, but I had a doctors appointment, in Opelika the next day and I mentioned that it needed to come off, before I left. However, the next day, when I drove down, it was still sitting right there. Now, this caused me a lot of trouble, on the way and back. Partly, that was because it completely blocked my interior rear-view mirror and partly because of the wind resistance making the truck really hard to steer, at speeds over 45. After half a day of driving the truck, doctors poking and prodding my foot and stopping to pick up a few groceries, the first thing out of my wifes mouth, when I cam through the door was Please tell me we have enough to pay (landlords name) three hundred dollars. I said Id have to check and went to unload the stove from the truck. About thirty seconds after I walked out the door, her daughter appeared in the doorway, relaying her mothers order for me to stop what I was doing and she would come and help. Now my (soon to be ex) wife can barely walk, so I just kept unloading the stove. The orders kept getting relayed and my patience wore thin, really quick. She says for you to stop was the last thing her daughter said to me, before the shit hit the fan. She,... can suck my balls, Mister Mackey was my reply. But, I guess her daughter doesnt watch Southpark, and she got pissy over it and started yelling at me and I snapped. I said things I am not proud of, yes. I called her a few names, after she started digging at me about my kids and things went from bad to worse. After that, the daughter practically moved out, taking the truck with her, of course. And, just like every time my wife has gotten pissed off at me, suddenly, everything that was once ours now became hers. Now, fast forward a bit. Back in December, I ended up back in the hospital, after getting a massive infection in my leg. I left the benefit card with her and she was supposed to pay the bills, as best she could. She did not pay the electric bill. And from what I gather, she didnt even pay anything ON it. I do not recall who had the card, in January, at bill-paying time, but I know that February was a push, because that month, we had to get tags for the truck and set up insurance for it. That was a huge amount, because we had to pay for six months all at once, because we let it lapse twice. Not long after the incident she DEMANDED possession of the card, and in a fit of stupidity, I gave it to her. Now why this was stupid is because she is disabled, but her disability is as much mental as physical and the card is in MY name, because I was designated as her payee. She is REQUIRED to have a payee, because they determined that shes not able to handle her own money. So, when they came and turned off the power, I was not expecting it. Apparently, she was, because within minutes, she had several bags of clothes, her laptop and some other stuff, sitting by the door, waiting for her daughter to pick her up. And the last thing her daughter said, on her way out the door was thats what you get for not paying the bills right, dumb-ass. I got the lights turned back on, temporarily. But my luck will only last so long, I am sure. I made arrangements to go stay somewhere else, until I can get some things settled and get back on my feet again. Her plan, supposedly, was to pay off the electric bill and come back here to continue living. She gave me till our settlement checks, from a class-action lawsuit we are both involved in gets here, to get out. But, tonight I got a call that I should get the dog and cat food ready and that shed be picking the animals up. Apparently, shes just going to run from the bills and move somewhere else. So, in the morning, I am going to call the landlord and see if I can work out a deal to stay here, instead of moving all the way to freaking Florida, when what I wanted to do was go back to Tennessee. I also have some people up there looking for a cheap efficiency apartment I can move into. I would rather go home, if given a choice, than go a thousand miles away from it. I found a couple of places, in online papers, advertised in my hometown area that I MIGHT be able to afford, once our disability cases are separated. Its a big bunch of ifs right now, though. I have tried to be decent, in all this. But when I said to her Man,.. dont give me time to say goodbye to them meaning my pets,... she said Oh, I wont. What kind of rotten person says something like that? If she really wants to play the Im gonna hurt you, however I can game,... I can play with the best of them. If you dont believe me,.. then as a girlfriend of mine used to say,... Just hide and watch.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 02:54:18 +0000

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