You know I see a lot of people complaining how hectic their lives - TopicsExpress


You know I see a lot of people complaining how hectic their lives are especially since school has started for a lot of kids. People are always saying how tired and busy they are from doing this and doing that with their healthy child or children. I know it is just the way people think and its the way I used to think too. We need to all take a step back every single day and be thankful for what we have. One thing I have learned is to enjoy every second of my family. Sure its not always easy to deal with a 5 year old princess who expects to be treated as such and a 3 1/2 year old cancer fighter who has serious ptsd and a very short fuse but the things I used to complain about seems so insignificant. When I am out and I see how people are so irritated with their kids for the littlest things it really irritates the hell out of me. Come on people it could all be GONE in an instant. We are sitting here in the hospital waiting for an MRI on our beautiful little boys head and spine to see if he is still I remission. So how bad was your morning sitting In traffic or running late for school??? You know its real hard for a pessimist to be optimistic but I am trying. When they first diagnosed Ryan and told us 90% chance of being cancer free at 5 years all I heard was bla bla bla 10% chance it will come back. Imagine if I told you your kid had a 10% chance of having cancer. I have been doing ok the last few days but last night and today I feel sick and scared to death. Its not all sunshine and roses people. Sorry for being cynical and ranting but there is not much else I can do right now. The chances are it will be fine but the chances when we took him in last September were that everything would be fine too. We will keep thinking good thoughts and will update everyone as soon as we find out something.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 19:29:32 +0000

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