You know,I think one the biggest things that is wrong with a lot - TopicsExpress


You know,I think one the biggest things that is wrong with a lot of folks today is we are following,emulating and even downright worshiping the wrong people.....I like Johnny Depp..hes a great actor.he gets paid to pretend hes someone else...a character,a myth....heck, I like some movies with George Clooney and Brad Pitt as well. But these guys,even though they are larger than life on the screen are still just human beings like you and I. They put their pants on the same way as normal people do and they have to go to bathroom just like the rest of us...But some people think that these guys and other celebs like them are Gods of some kind and seem to think that anything they say is the truth and that it should be gospel....That is where the problem is....Clooney is a far left liberal and thats OK with me..But I dont agree with him about much and Im not going to change just because he starred in some great movies....But a lot of people arent like me..They would back anything Clooney says just because hes a Hollywood movie God....Same with our musicians....Bono from U2 is a nice guy but is he really someone who you would want running your country? I see a lot of folks who just agree with people like this just because they are on TV or in movies and are famous..They believe,I guess, that since these people are famous that they must just be the smartest and most well informed and intentioned people on the planet. That is a mistake from the word go...Ive been lucky to have met a few famous people in my time and far from being in tune with the world most of them almost always have been really out of touch with reality. They live in a world where money,power and prestige rule. they are Kings and Queens and their fans are merely minions...Its sad and there are a lot of famous folks who arent like this at all, but for the most part,the more famous they are the more out of touch they are. Famous people have to stay famous so they tend to speak out on things which they really dont have a clue...A lot of them openly hate firearm ownership but you can bet that they dont leave the house without an armed bodyguard. And yet they would deny you a chance to protect your family against violence by an intruder. They want peace and love and no war (heck,dont we all?) but they dont understand that other people in other countries hate America and all that it stands for and that many of them are targets of that hate because of their music and protrayals on the big screen.....They give of their time by going to fundraisers and doing charity work and all that and thats a good thing but to worship them for doing this is just completely wrong....We say Oh look! George is helping the homeless and hes doing hunger relief and hes such a big hero and blah,blah ,blah, Yeah George gets his facetime and he feels good about what hes done (and he should,Im sure George dose genuinely care about poor people) but then he goes home to his multi-million dollar home and enjoys his hard earned money....George does good,but hes not the hero that many just average Americans are...George and others like him just arent on the same level as some of the more regular folks that I know.. I see many regular Americans that volunteer their time on a daily basis to help the homeless and hungry and to me they are more heroic that any Hollywood star is. They dont get paid or get on TV for what they do and the only satisfaction they get is the knowledge that they helped someone who needed them..No TV cameras or news stories..these folks just do it because they are truly kind,selfless people...These are the real heroes that we should be following and these are the people that we should admire and emulate. These folks do for free on an everyday basis what many glorified Hollywood stars just do for publicity....So,really just blindly agreeing with and following somebody just because they are on American idol and without taking the time to really see whats going on for yourself,you are letting yourself be manipulated by folks who might be more out of touch than you realize....I know George and his Hollywood friends might mean well but that doesnt mean that we should just blindey agree with them because they are famous...if you want to follow someone and admire their opinions and actions...Go down to the homeless shelter and volunteer yourself and talk to real people about the will open your eyes. And before you decide to jump on somebodys bandwagon just because they are famous do some research and learn the facts...its all in your best interests......Just some thoughts I had today...Jan/24/2015
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 20:02:59 +0000

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