You know, I wish there was a way to customize the yahoo homepage - TopicsExpress


You know, I wish there was a way to customize the yahoo homepage so that I didnt have to see among the headlines about serious world issues, stories about Beyonce and JZ, or the Kardashians. I know that the truth is that the details of their lives become front page news because our society finds these stupid updates about celebrities so very salacious. But come on man! Really? It saddens me when people dont know even what ISIS is, they dont know what happened in Ukraine today (people its a big deal) and other very important issues in the world. Sadly our society thinks that as we keep up to date on the Kardashians of the world that we can then regard ourselves as open minded and current, when in reality- nothing is further from the truth. You know what we really become when we follow this crap? We become people walking around with a proverbial box over our head filled with nothingness. Were spending time following things that will never improve our lives, time we will never get back. And believe me I know that it has nothing to do with Yahoo or any other site, because we- the society are the ones dictating what is trending in the news by the things we show interest in while we are on these sites. But its just crazy to me, yeah, and a little disappointing. And now I have said my piece in hopes that we could each make an effort to begin to change it.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 00:18:30 +0000

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