You know, Ill be the first to admit, I have a shit ton of - TopicsExpress


You know, Ill be the first to admit, I have a shit ton of problems. I care too much, Im an asshole sometimes, I have addictive tendencies, I enjoy my down time a little too much, I tend to hold grudges and find everyones bad traits before focusing on the good. I make mistakes, almost everyday. But the one good thing I can say about my self is the ability to see the bigger picture. I can tell that you think Im being this way to hurt you, to spite you in what you thought was your time of despair. Thats not the case. In fact, the words that youve said to everyone else but couldnt come to me directly and tell me have hurt me more than you can even begin to comprehend. When I put my heart and soul out in the open to help you almost everyday of my life up until recently, you can tell that I love you. I never turned you down in the past, but one incident on a day where I was hurting and wasnt able to console you because of my own grief should not be enough to make you want to renounce me as family. It sickens me to think that one little setback, drew us farther apart then ever. Maybe you were never really there in the first place. Sometimes you have to grow up a little in order to rise above. I understand youre hurting, but so is everyone else. Stand up and fight instead of giving up your family. If I could do that, I would. But I cant, not this time.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 02:52:31 +0000

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