You know Im sitting here thinking a lot the past couple days, I - TopicsExpress


You know Im sitting here thinking a lot the past couple days, I mean Ive really been doing a lot of reflecting, and in the midst of reflecting It occurred to me that I cant ever find a worker cause Im what they would call a hard ass the fact of the matter is I know what I want, how I want it, and what is best. Ive been doing this 5 years, and Ive learned a lot. and I just dont put up with shit. I have a whole list of people who were previously employed with me and they will all say one of two things, either I was a great boss (those are the people who actually did their job and left for reason other than something negative) or I was a royal hard ass to work for (that would be the slackers who I seen not working to their full potential and eventually ran off) Either way, I dont care, its not about people liking me, its about the dogs. I do my best as a boss, to teach and learn daily, and I give it 100% - There has been often times in my career that I didnt get paid, and my employees always get paid, I expect nothing but the best and pure passion out of anyone who gets the privelage of working for the business, I built from the ground up. (now that I think about it, I havent written myself a paycheck in over two years) I take everything I get and invest it in my business- That is how I excel. I try to Stay humble and dont get greedy. Screw the nice clothes, make up, fancy cars, and crap, all I need is healthy food, and my kids taken care of. One thing I have learned though is it is hard to find a person to work for you and love your place like you do, because if they didnt build it, they tend to take it for granted. Its just like people who do rent houses, tenants tare them up, cause they dont care for them like the person who owns it.. I have a really great team at Bark n Buddies right now, but now Im looking for two new kennel techs- We are growing sooo rapidly, Im exhausted. today I laid down and fell into a deep coma like sleep. I felt like a jerk lol, I told the ladies in the shop id be right back and then I didnt return until 5 hours later lol after I realized I fell asleep- I dont think people realize running a boarding kennel is 24-7 even when Im off, Im not off, I live here, for example I just got done giving the dogs night time meds, tucking them into bed, and tucking my baby boy into his bed. Yes I have two 24-7 Jobs Im a mom, and a weird dog lady lol- This is my life; I chose it- I love it. I hope you are all surviving my grueling rants lately, Ive just been passionate and had a lot to voice out lately, what can I say-
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 04:24:19 +0000

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