You know Israel lets them know ahead of time what areas they will - TopicsExpress


You know Israel lets them know ahead of time what areas they will be bombing. The Hamas hides bomb and cells of men in homes of its own citizens. Israel drops warnings first, some are able to get away,but Hamas makes some of its own people be human shields. That is the real horrible truth!! Hamas only wants death and destruction to Israel, and thinks nothing of human life even of its own people to accomplish that. Towards Christians, and anyone else who does not worship Allah they shout death to the infidels!! This is not an American ideal. Here we are to be able to worship whom we want. We need to support Israel. The rise of the Hitler has begun. Even though I believe we have a right to gather and protest, for rights it is one thing but to shout death to a certain group of people, that is evil, pure evil. that is not about rights, that is about death and death only. We are seeing history being repeated right before our very eyes. Where are the officers telling them they need a permit??? Where are the officers telling them this needs to be peaceful??? Flipping fingers and shouting the F word is not peaceful!!!! Today they seem to have more rights then Americas own citizens. These hateful people are not your friends they want to destroy your way of life and they are doing a bang up job at that!! You had better think about that. They want to take over your America. In the middle east it is being reported on the news channels Israel first, America next. We are seeing end times before our very eyes. Whos side are you on, it better be the Lord God Jehovah! The Lord gave this land America, so people could worship their own God, not be bullied or killed because they worship him. Israel was giving to the Jews. They belong there, and they need to be able to keep it. It was their promised land. We need to support them!!! If Obama cant do it, then get him out of the office, he is a traitor and needs to be replaced.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 13:51:51 +0000

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