You know, Ive about had it. Im sick of paying of other peoples - TopicsExpress


You know, Ive about had it. Im sick of paying of other peoples housing, food, transportation, phone, heating, health care, electric and their kids. I dont mind helping people, but when we are forced to help those that dont deserve or even appreciate it, the effect is I dont really want to give the few dollars that are not taken from me to even the best cause. We are to give with a joyful heart. Thats getting harder to do. Everywhere I go Im asked at a checkout if I want to give to this cause or that cause. People knock on my door asking me to save the water, trees, environment. Now Im supposed to pay for people to ride the bus when I buy a gallon of gas. Whos paying for my gallon of gas, or car payment, or insurance, or tires, or oil change? I am! I work crazy hours, miss family events, sometimes struggle to pay my own bills, but I dont sit back and wait for someone else to foot the bill. How about we pull the plug on funding lazy people. Let us directly help our neighbors out of the kindness of our own heart instead of being robbed by ineffective government programs. Those that dont deserve it (and we are better at spotting them than the government is) will have to go to work if they want to eat. If the few people that do get up and put in an honest days work decide to quit doing it, the whole world is in trouble.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 00:21:02 +0000

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