You know.. There is a much bigger issue here. Right now we - TopicsExpress


You know.. There is a much bigger issue here. Right now we fight about the future of an independent home grown industry built by hard working passionate people. This fight we face highlights just a small picture of the overall detriment of our political system as it is designed.. Take partisan politics out of the equation for a moment, especially where I am concerned since personally I dont really believe in it as a successful model for government. Want to hang on this quip? Then youre missing the point.. Move on! Think about the way the Senate President plainly put his view on the situation. He has pretty much admitted he doesnt really understand or even care about the issue. What he does know is what his buddy connected to the largest brewer in the country (the world even) has his puppet strings held tight and with money and probably some other sort of benefit to his campaign, family, political party, etc. he is going to do whatever he is told regardless of its impact on the states economy, work force, support for small business, or anything else for that matter.. It simply doesnt matter to him. Why? Frankly, the larger issue here is that this corrupt politician is only one of many, in fact MOST are just the same as this guy, even the guy YOU voted for and support! Did you vote for CHANGE? That guy isnt innocent.. Are you on the other side of the aisle? Those guys are just as bad.. Special interest is guiding our governments; from those in our communities, to those in our state capitals, and even the crooks in Washington DC. None are innocent and by continuing to vote them in to power we are all part of the issue and as long as this is the climate then nothing will change. Oh, your guy isnt that way? Bullshit! The bottom line is that career politicians will never pull away from their relationships with the special interests that surround them. Sure, some will be valiant or with more pure intentions, but most are fraught with benefit only to the company or organization engaging these servants to the people often with contributions to their upcoming campaigns (because campaigning never ends right?) or other forms of payoff.. Is it technically illegal? Sure it is, but these are the people who make the laws and we dont challenge them for many reasons mainly due to ignorance in thinking they know what is best for us, or that we the people do not have the power. The truth is that we do have the power, but we have to be organized, informed, allied in the plight we face, and committed to the fight we embark on otherwise we as a group are no better than the corrupt politicians trying to squash an industry that is driven by the passion of small business owners around the state. Having made my living in this industry for over a dozen years, this is an important issue for me, but I cant help thinking when will it end if we continue to get all up at arms over pretty much this same issue year in and year out? Being a politician by design was to be a form of public servitude, almost a burden if you will. When and where did we divert on this course? This is perhaps great subject matter for another tirade, but as we fight this fight for this year take a moment to think about how we want our industry, our families, and our fellow citizens to find success and have a fair shot at their dreams. Is that going to happen as long as people like Don Gaetz control our government?
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 13:57:38 +0000

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