You know a feeding frenzy has reached critical mass when a - TopicsExpress


You know a feeding frenzy has reached critical mass when a professional ambulance chaser like the Reverend Jesse Jackson shows up to join the fun. Reverend Jesse isnt really in a position to pass judgment on America at large having failed spectacularly as a man and a father by having his own son currently serving a prison sentence after pleading guilty to stealing everything that wasnt nailed down. As an African American community leader right now Id be leading my community in contemplating why young black men are being killed in record and unsustainable numbers by other young black men. Because that is the real issue here. A culture of running wild and acting out. Im sorry but there it is. Once youre getting caught on surveillance video committing assault in the commission of a robbery the burden of proof shifts onto your shoulders if and when you subsequently get yourself in trouble with officers of the law. In the real world it does. I am sorry a young man is dead before he had the chance to straighten himself out. But I am not willing to crucify a public servant for murder without hearing his version of the events first. Not when we now know the deceased to have been perfectly willing to use physical force and the threat thereof in order to carry out a pathetic petty theft. Law enforcement officers frequently abuse their power. We all remember the disgusting scenes of peaceful protestors being pepper sprayed during the Occupy Movement. And those who betray the public trust need to be held to account. But knowing what we know now about the nature of the shooting victim here the officer is entitled to the presumption of having acted reasonably and within his rights. There may be facts surrounding this shooting we dont know yet and which will change the overall perception of what happened. I am open to that. But I cannot bring myself to condone rioting and looting. This is a tragedy not a block party. We should all behave accordingly. I know some of you will get very angry with me for writing this but so be it.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 05:18:04 +0000

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