You know at the Thinking moms we seek to convict people to action, - TopicsExpress


You know at the Thinking moms we seek to convict people to action, right? Not to judge, condemn, or alienate. TO ACT. Act means...there is no action TOO SMALL. Putting a NVIC pamphlet in the waiting room of your doctors office. Mailing your pediatrician a study. Inviting a pregnant mom over for coffee or tea. Sharing one of our growing list of books, with a friend. Cooking clean and sharing what you made (so your friends can see organic does not taste like dirt) Planting a garden Spending quality time with your vaccine injured child--just BEING with them, instead of looking for what needs to be fixed. Calling up a friend who you know has a vaccine injured kid (allergies, febrile seizures,asthma, adhd, autism, autoinflammatory illness, OCD, ODD, tics--all vax and food related) and ask them how YOU CAN SERVE THEM rather than offering your advice. Holding your tongue and being respectful when someone is showing their ignorance about vaccine science and is clearly bating you. If you refuse to engage, this is ACTION...others see your example--and this speaks louder than any words possibly could. Make NEW friends if your old friends start to find you uptight and rigid about the science youve come to understand. Get a room at your local library and talking about what happened to your child to help others prevent it from happening to theirs. Call your local paper and telling them your story. More and more and more moms and dads are joining our ranks and if they do not know there are millions of families like theirs how can they have the courage to speak out! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF while you are taking care of your children. Pray, meditate, intend for recovery...for ALL OUR KIDS. Even those with parents who take every opportunity they can to dismiss and berate you--when you know their child is often times hurting worse than yours but is too medicated to articulate it. Instead of writing something nasty about Autism Speaks when you read about a huge $$$$ initiative they are launching, go out and actively praise and support the organizations that are making a HUGE difference like The Autism Trust, TACA, NAA, Generation Rescue, Autism One, Vac truth, Vax truth, Canary Party, Heath Choice, TMR, teamTMR, and SO MANY OTHERS. Go speak praise about them rather than slamming the big dog. Focus is focus. Focus on what is being done RIGHT in this community instead of what is being done wrong. ALLLLLLLLLLLL of this is action that contributes to our movement. All of it matters, all of it ripples, all of it saves another child. All of it matters. There is no action too small. Gotta go...Noah just flooded the bathroom. So, I have to go take ACTION myself LOL XOXOXOXO The Rev (coming out of retirement!)
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 20:55:50 +0000

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