You know how some days are just kind of pissy? This was one of - TopicsExpress


You know how some days are just kind of pissy? This was one of mine. Did enjoy meeting Pat for lunch at Golden House, and it is always wonderful to see Ming, the owner. She must be one of the best people on the planet. Was glad, too, that Pat felt like getting out and could finally trust herself to drive again. Shes been having some health issues--probably all stress related. But...getting ready to leave to meet Pat, I spilled something that I didnt have time to try to pick up; my tee shirt got tangled (rolled up) on my back as I was putting it on and seemed Id never get in on or off! Then the same thing with my fleece jacket. Although I began getting ready in plenty of time to get there on time, I was 15 minutes late. I st-rolled on 22nd--bike lane as there are no sidewalks. Traffic was horrendous: excessive and noisy. Every stoplight caught me and all the crosswalk buttons are hard to get to in a wheelchair. Then coming back, again on 22nd, there were three areas where there was so much thick sand in the bike lane that I had to wait for traffic to clear and pull out into the auto lane to get around them--also three times that bushes were sticking out in the bike lane. So SIX times I had to drive in the traffic lane! All that in about 1.5 miles. I got home and forgetting I had my tote bag on the side of my chair, I rolled in my front door, it threw me askew, and knocked me into a large ceramic container that sits inside the front door where I keep--kept!--a water bottle in case I have to spray Boxer so he wont run outside (apologies to Jackson Galaxy who thinks we shouldnt do that). Busted that sucker to hell and back! Couldnt find a broom to try to sweep up the ceramic crumbs. Also crushed my leftover food box enough that it leaked a bit in its plastic bag. And by this time Im hurting and just feeling pissy myself. Was so tired that I slept through most of my favorite show (The Haunting of...)--and I have to get off here now to try to catch the rerun. One of these days I MUST find the energy to contact the city about these sucky streets when it comes to navigating a wheelchair.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 05:07:50 +0000

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