You know how when you find a piece of imperial jasper you didnt - TopicsExpress


You know how when you find a piece of imperial jasper you didnt even know you had and you get all excited , then you look at it and go yes! This is gonna make the sweetest oval in the history of oval cabs? Then you mark it out with your template and start grinding away on a worn out wheel with bald patches in it. And you tell yourself its ok , I mean sure its gonna take forever but will be so totally worth it!. Then you get to within a mm or so of your mark and realize there is a flat spot on the bottom which will now make your awesome oval about 4 mm too short on one side? Then you go its ok its o frakin k , because I can just fix it with some good old fashioned ingenuity? Then you totally ruin the piece and go in a corner and pout for like 10 minutes then stomp around all stupid and angry ? Then when your wife asks whats wrong and you tell her and she looks at you like omg really? Yep you know right? I will recover from this but it could take a while lol.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 18:16:54 +0000

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