You know i picked up my bible for the first time tonight and im - TopicsExpress


You know i picked up my bible for the first time tonight and im sad to say its been a long time since i last read it , but while setting in bed around 1 am reading it to myself and my husband i started from the begenning , and im goin to make it a nightly thing , i make u all this challenge we all see all these challenges on here for no make up pics , for cancer awareness and many other game challenges , my challenge to you is pick up ur bible read at least 2 chapters a nite anywhere in the bible you chose then tell about something you read in those 2 chapters or if u feel like it read more than 2 chapters but share this challenge as you have other challenges , like tonight i read to my husband how god destroyed the earth by rain and learned about how noah built the ark , and how god set a bowl in the sky as a covenant between him and the earth that will be a reminder between them that he wouldnt destroy the earth by a flood ever again , its something to see a rainbow and think wow thats gods covenant he made and it still stands after all these yrs , we as parents want our kids to have the things we didnt as children and we try to be more of a friend in this generation as parents instead of a parent our children dont need a friend they need a parent , im guilty of this my self because i felt my kids wouldnt think i loved them if i was strict with them and in the end all we do by not setting and keeping rules is teach them that they can keep pushing till we finally give in and all we r doin is hurting them in the long run , when i was growing up if a child disrespected theyr elder u got ur butt busted we was taught to say yea mam no sir and ty or exscuse me , we was taught to get up and let a older person have our seat. And to hold the door for others and ti help our neighbors not exspecting anything in return but a kind gesture by a smile or a ty but these days noone wanta to help anyone anymore unless they get something in return and our children these days r so disrespectful to theyr elders and even themselves , and marriages seem to be falling apart because men and women both seem to forget why they fell in love with one another and forget all about god and all he has done for us , we want to whine and complain but not take any of the blame where we failed as parents or as husbands or wives because we tend to be to proud god knows even as a child ive done things im not proud of till this day and ive carried it and other failures i felt around with me all my life , none of us is perfect and we all fail daily but by the grace of god we r forgiven , if u have small children start reading the bible to them help them learn about god , while u learn and try being a parent and less a childs friend they have all kinds of friends but they only have u for parents and we have to guide them and teach them while theyr young , god knows i failed my boys in a lot of ways by trying to make them feel loved i let them slide and by with a lot that i shouldnt have but when we go threw divorces we dont want to cause them anymore pain so we tend to let them by with more and all it does is hurt them in the long run and i see it everywhere , kids these days think theyr entitled to things that they dont have to earn it because we as parents have failed them in one way or the other , when anything worth having it should be earned , today is a new day that god has created for us all , he has blessed us for u to wake up to be able to read this post , todat is ur day to either accept my challenge to you or to not but if u accept it i look forward to reading ur post about what uve read in the bible and i ty for accepting it and i wont have any hard feelings if u dont , i just am goin to lay all my past and all my burdens down at the feet of jesus and turn the control over to him and start my own walk with him and illkeep u all in my prayers
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 08:38:17 +0000

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