You know, it doesnt take much to witness to somebody about Christ. - TopicsExpress


You know, it doesnt take much to witness to somebody about Christ. It DOES take an open and empathetic ear, a willingness to say Holy Spirit, please help me get out of Your way...not my words, thoughts, & actions but Yours be done right now, & then the ability to be able to summarize what you were like and what your life was like before Christ & His Holy Spirit lived in you; and what its been like after. My life was one of grasping ambition, anger, disappointment and frustration with myself and others, and my results where never good enough. It led to success in the goals I set out after, but the success was hollow and eaten away by 1) the feeling that I didnt deserve it / I just got lucky and 2 ) the immediate drive to do more and be in constant motion. When I gave my life to Christ and trusted Him to provide, trusted Him to bring me through, when facing circumstances I could not control or deal with and which continued to mount and mount, The Lord worked in consistent, prayer answering, & pulling towards Him in a way such that I continued to seek Him out. As I sought Him out, He showed me how the understanding I had of Jesus as the humblest, most kind, most meek man who ever walked the earth (lets be real, thats not attractive to an Alpha male) was NOT the Jesus of the Bible! The Jesus of the Bible was a baddass!! He took it straight to those hypocrites that I had hated so much when I felt them in church growing up...AND he was gentle, AND He was powerful, AND He was humble and pointed focus to God the Father and The Holy Spirit! And He submitted Himself to worldly authority, stood a kangaroo court trial and was essentially mob lynched...all for me, all for you, so His Holy Spirit could comfort, lead, strengthen, & encourage us and show us what is true! And I have not looked back! That is the rich life, that is the true life! God fulfills & fills the hole we all have, (are born with) a hole that grows in us without relationship with God! He is good, He is God, and He craves that you know Him - so He can bless you and others through you!!! Thats what Hes done with me. :)
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 06:14:07 +0000

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