You know its an official change of season when the rain clouds - TopicsExpress


You know its an official change of season when the rain clouds blow up. As our little blue marble gets further away from the little yellow circle in its yearly trip around it the big differences in ground surface temps, daytime and night time temps cause storms untill those 3 factors level out and the planet settles into its season. summer into fall (as late as it comes now because of climate change.) makes lots and lots of rain. water is life. living outside, i use about a gallon and a half a day. if it rains i dont have to buy it at a store or find someplace to fill a jug up. usually the back of a store has a fawcet somewhere. but, to avoid buying it utilising the rain works great. the best way to collect it is by a tarp. out in the open spread out with the edges raised and a stone in the center of the tarp pools it up great. but, leaves and weeds and bugs and dust get into it and if you wrap a rope tightly around the bottom of a tree and dip one end of the rope out from underneath the wraps that are wrapped at an angle so the water will run along the wraps, and then put that end of the rope in a funnel in a jug, the rain water that runs down the tree trunk will drizzle over the rope and wraps in the rope will catch it and it flows along the wraps and down the loose end of the rope in the funnel and goes into the jug. watching how the water flows down the side of the tree is important. i need the knot on the wraps and the low end of the wraps in the spot where the most water flows to maximize how much and how fast the rain water fills the jug. its also important to make the wraps tight as well or else the water flowing down the side of the tree will seep under the bark and wraps. now i have my gallon of rain water i can shower and cook. i pour half of it in the pan and fire up the campfire and boil up some mac for mac and tomatos. after the water has boiled i drain it back into the freezing cold rain water and now i have a nice hot shower to wash all the days work crud off with and a huge pot of mac and tomatos and corn. a hot and fast shower because bare feet on the freezing ground gets uncomfy fast then a quick dry off and warm toasty toes over the cook fire, fresh mac and tomatos with a extra treat i found today, a big fat wild carrot in the lazyboy under the stars and some loud ass dinner music and off to bed in my comfy dry tent. lulled to sleep by the sound of splashing peacefull little raindrops on the tarp. the tree was a very sappy little ponderosa. the water tasted a bit like sap. my breath is as fresh as a carolina pine forrest! har-har. rain is such a beautiful useful life giving thing. water is something that the people of the pacific northwest take for granted. a toilet flush washes 8 gallons of water down the drain. thats a weeks worth of water for me at camp! ha-ha. all this beautiful rain, what are some good rain songs?
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 03:26:50 +0000

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