You know its funny how often people dont stop to think about what - TopicsExpress


You know its funny how often people dont stop to think about what theyre saying. Take the average Christian wedding vows for instance. If you vow to forsake all others, arent you vowing to forsake Jesus too? forsake |fərˈsāk; fôr-| verb ( past -sook |-ˈsoŏk|; past part. -saken |-ˈsākən|) [ trans. ] chiefly poetic/literary abandon (someone or something) : he would never forsake Tara | [as adj. ] ( forsaken) figurative a tiny, forsaken island. • renounce or give up (something valued or pleasant) : I wont forsake my vegetarian principles. DERIVATIVES forsakenness noun forsaker noun ORIGIN Old English forsacan [renounce, refuse] ; related to Dutch verzaken, and ultimately to for- and sake 1 .
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 10:52:28 +0000

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