You know, its worth mentioning something I have noticed about many - TopicsExpress


You know, its worth mentioning something I have noticed about many people in this country these days, and its really kind of irritating. Many people uphold values like liberty, free speech, positive discussion and harmony between people. Many people I know claim to be progressives and do various things to further progressive ideals, but please think about one thing: Liberty of expression and thought are rights all folks have. That means, people have the right to think what they want, say what they want, and the ideal is to remove threats to this individual liberty. An issue I see running rampant right now is that people spout that their ideals are progressive, or enlightened, and claim to support values like liberty and equality - but ONLY if others agree with their particular concept of it. Liberty is nonspecific. Every person is has the right to shine in their own particular way, and in that journey to shining well, we all evolve towards a better end. What I am saying to you, as the progressive idealist or cause-fighting crusader: You dont get to pick and choose liberty. No matter how awesome your ideal happens to be, its not your right to bully others who disagree with you, or offer a differing opinion to you. Many time I have seen or been at the receiving end on this behavior, and seen it justified because those people use their version of their fine tailored philosophy or cause as a sort of excuse. That behavior just makes you another jerk. Saying you are fighting for equal rights, freedom of speech, or whatever, and then personally or with a group attacking another person who doesnt happen to agree with your particular Ism or opinion is an insult to the concept. What saddens me is that a LOT of folks normally in the court of true liberty, spiritual growth, social progression are becoming more and more inclined to prowl the internet or real life, focused on correcting others, or picking fights or being downright cyberbullies to people who might feel a different way, or response to an issue in a way THEY personally dont like. I see a lot of Not A Real Scotsman thought trends at play, and woe be to anyone who doesnt follow one of those accepted trends. Do you want to know what that makes you, ordinarily awesome, thoughtful, educated progressive person? That makes you the NEW Thought Police - that past Owellian staple usually reserved for the generalized institution of Big Brother checking what you say, think, and do. Just think about that, the text time you correct someones opinion or gang up on them on a status to make another person look bad for thinking differently from how you want them to think.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 04:55:51 +0000

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