You know, now its no longer the Democrats wondering why Im a - TopicsExpress


You know, now its no longer the Democrats wondering why Im a Republican. Libertarians too are asking that question. Whats ironic is Libertarians had their chance. I was a proud Libertarian for several months, and they unfortunately blew it. The reason is simple...Libertarians (capital L) are either 100% or 0%. You are either borderline anarchist or a statist. There is no in-between. Now if you look at me on their Worlds Smallest Political Quiz I am in between libertarian and centrist. I was more moderate than most Libertarians. I was still a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. But I wasnt fiscal conservative enough for them. I wanted a flat low tax rate. They wanted no taxes whatsoever. I wanted a welfare system that got people out of welfare. They wanted no welfare programs and to hope rich people were generous enough to fund the homeless shelters and food pantries using their own cash. I was a moderate in a Party that refused to let moderates in. To put it in another way, the Tea Party is more accepting of moderates than Libertarians. I go to the LPLC Meetings because they know me, and because I want to help them in the fight for liberty, and because they understand that the libertarian ideals surpass Party. But I felt like a pariah in my own home. I felt unwanted, unwelcome in a Party that had become elitist and exclusive. I was a Republican who proudly wasted his first vote for President on Johnson/Gray, the Libertarian Ticket. I may likely do it again. But Former Governor Gary Johnson (L-NM) was even shunned by his own Party...I knew proud Libertarians who opposed Johnson/Gray. I am a fan of Former State Party Chairman Adrian Wyllie, L-Dunedin. Chairman Wyllie is a 2014 Libertarian Gubernatorial Candidate, and the frontrunner. He was the reason I joined the Libertarians. While running for the Chairmanship, I called Wyllie and asked him about the Party. We talked and he clarified certain policy points I had concerns with, and I joined. Chairman Wyllie would make note that the LP was too exclusive. That there is room for small l libertarians like myself, and that they are all at different points in the libertarian path, and we must accept them. But no one heeded the Chairmans words. I was attacked personally by incumbent Vice Chairman of the State Party, Alex Snitker. Vice Chairman Snitker was upset about the Republicans move to remove Robert Sarvis, Esq. (L-VA), the Libertarian Gubernatorial Nominee in Virginia, from debates. And I agreed. I went one further and showed my support for jungle primaries. But I stated I was a Republican and dont like the incivility. Vice Chairman Snitker and others began attacking me, violating their Non-Agression Pledge, the one I also signed to join the LPLC. It was sick and disgusting, and reaffirmed my position on not returning to the Libertarian Party. At this point, my Party line seems to be stuck on one of two possibilities: Republican or Independent. I dont think I can be any other, especially how I have been treated by Parties that are not mine.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 22:28:02 +0000

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