You know sumpin? Right now, with politics being what they are in - TopicsExpress


You know sumpin? Right now, with politics being what they are in our country, I have little use for any professional politician - be they democrat or republican. That being said, I was extremely saddened by an interview I just watched of Senator John McCain on the Charlie Rose show. Think back...Senator McCain became famous as a navy pilot who was shot down and became a P.O.W. in the infamous Hanoi Hilton. John McCain earned respect as a P.O.W. for refusing to denounce the United States of America. He was tortured because of his refusals. This evening, I just watched a 30 minute interview in which the now Senator McCain called the President of the United States weak, accused him of lying, among several other less than flattering remarks directed at our President. This was on public television and broadcast to we American citizens. Now....I would expect to hear comments like that from Al Qaeda, or the Taliban, or maybe the always misinformed Sarah Palin...but from an ex-military, United States senator? When we have a serious situation on our hands with what is going on in the Ukraine? My oh my....Senator McCain apparently lost his patriotism and respect for a commander in chief somewhere between 1972 and 2014. Not so long ago, comments like McCain uttered would have been considered treasonous. You can dislike the President, but youd better respect the position. I just lost all respect for McCain.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 05:54:03 +0000

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