You know, theres nothing like a moment of creativity to really - TopicsExpress


You know, theres nothing like a moment of creativity to really solve a problem or be inspired with a new idea. I remember when I was teenager, whenever something heavy was on my mind... like if I couldnt figure out how to deal with a friend that was being difficult or if I was having problems with a big assignment at school, my mother would always put her arm around me and say, Just sleep on it, honey. I never really understood how powerful that advice was until much, much later. Because at first, I just couldnt make it work. Id go to bed and the problem would still be swirling in my head. I didnt know how to just quieten my mind and sleep on it. But once I learnt how to center my mind, ideas would come to me like water on tap. Dont you just love it when that happens? That feeling of eureka. That Wow why didnt I think of this earlier moment. It could be an inspiration to start something new. Or it could be an idea to solve a problem that has been bugging you for a long time. But how often do you have those wonderful moments of inspiration? Once a week, a month... a year? Do you even remember the last time you had an eureka moment? Laura Silva
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 06:17:37 +0000

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