You know, this may sound ridiculous to some, and i have shared it - TopicsExpress


You know, this may sound ridiculous to some, and i have shared it before, but there have been times that i was so weak, so weary and so wounded, that i needed someone to care, and to listen to me, but i knew nobody cared, and i knew that if i was going to get encouraged, that i was going to have to encourage myself in the Lord. Every time i get a new cell phone, for the voicemail message, before the beep, i use the message as an opportunity to say a prayer for whoever is on the other end of the line, praying that if they are lost, that they would be saved, if they are hurting, that they wold be made whole, if they are sick, that they would be healed, and that God would bless and touch them. In times of desperation, when i need someone to pray for me, and i feel i have nobody that i can turn to, i get on someone elses phone, and i dial my number, and i listen to myself on the other end of the line, praying for myself, and i let it touch and inspire me, and i do as the Bible says, and i Encourage myself in the Lord. I thank God, that when i am so war weary and so worn and weak, that i can call my number and have myself to pray for myself. Its uplifted me many times, and brought me through some things that i never thought that i would make it through, but praise God, me listening to myself praying for myself has often helped make me better. Theres times that i have no other choice, and i am so glad that i can be my dearest friend and Brother in Christ with myself, and that i can have fellowship with myself, and that i can uplift myself with my words of prayer. I love Jesus more than words can tell, and i wish so many things were so much different. I miss the Lords ministry, that he had in him through me, and in me through him, and i miss having a Church family, and i miss having friends, and i miss it all so much, but i dont know where to begin or what to do, and i just wish that i was making a difference and having an impact. Its so hard for me to understand, how there are so many fakes and phonies out there, who are self professing and self proclaiming Christian false prophets, and wolves in sheeps clothing, who are full of demons and devils, the spirit of antichrist, ichabod, apostate and reprobate, who are lukewarm sinners and backsliders, who are satanically inspired and who are part of this new world order, one world government and one world religion, who is evil, satanic, develish and hellish, who are inspired by the hellywood devilbox, that old hellivision, and who are inspired by the totally backslidden network and also by the modern Christian alternative, contemporary rock and rap Christian/Gospel music, and their defiled and perverted corrupt translations of scripture, and who are self centered, proud arrogant, self absorbed and selfish, full of pride and arrogancy. How they are so insincere, ungrateful, unthankful, unholy, unrighteous and ungodly, and who are lovers of self, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. They are competitive and jealous, and are controlling, demanding, manpulative, cultlike in brainwashing, mind control and other cultic tactics, like blaming the victim, causing pity parties, and lying on others, cheating and stealing from Gods people. It amazes me that such people are the ones that the Church people are flocking to, to have their ears tickled, and to hear a positive, word of faith, blab it and grab it, modern, false Kundalini Holy Ghost imposters and counterfeits, who are sent and inspired by Satan, to corrupt and destroy those who are trying to live Holy and walk uprightly in Holiness and righteousness, and also in Spirit and in Truth. Its sad how unconcerned they are, yet they are elevated by Satan, and men and women back their deceptions. We better make sure that we are not led astray by those who are sent by Satan. Stand u for what is right, no matter what. Dont allow these imposters to promote their agendas of once saved always saved, unconditional eternal security, an unending love from God, regardless of what you do,and especially beware of those who says that we do not have to live Holy and walk uprightly, those who claim that you can sin every day and still make it to Heaven, and those who claims that you cant help but to sin everyday. Beware of false doctrines, and do not be tossed to and from by every wind of doctrine. Do not be deceived by their vain repetitions, vain janglings and endless geneologies, philosophies and theologies. Theres only one Bible, and one God, and only one way to Heaven. Be sure that you live the old time way, and do not be allured by this modernist emerging Church and this lie of Chrislam. We are to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 00:24:08 +0000

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