You know, throughout the Bible are stories, people, events, - TopicsExpress


You know, throughout the Bible are stories, people, events, circumstances and outcomes. Everything from Genesis (which Moses wrote in his time) of the beginning to Revelation (which John wrote of the end) all throughout, describing what was, what is, and what is to come. If there is a question about your specific problem or issue, you can find an answer and hopefully, gain understanding. Job 28:28 And unto man He said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding. On one hand we have a revolution of Gods presence in media, outcropping the wisdom of His saints inspiration. On the other hand we have unstable world events; Russia, Ukraine, post longest war of USA with Middle East. Our own economy and instability over the last 7 or so years. Not to mention the weather. I do believe that God is making His presence known as inspiration to His saints and people, even to those that arent quite in. I grew up in a generation that believed in God, but were caught up in post peace & love & fear, and no matter what, we were going to storm the walls and yell and get on with it. We bucked up and believed we could rule the world. The 80s, where computers became mainstream, for the average person. (My dad worked on those huge IBM computers that looked like giant, noisy beasts) They got smaller and accessible. I believe there was a time of huge blessings in the 80s. We trumpeted in a new generation. And every generation goes forth needing to be taught of the past. What makes successful people, what are the benefits of acknowledging God at the realization of your success. The truth of knowing God and trusting Him, and then passing that down to the kids. Standing up to those who are in the wrong, with courage. Defending what is right even when it wont gain you anything. Not realizing that is character and when you do the right thing, it is built inside where no one can take it away. If you failed to show your kids that message of goodness, God will show it to them in another way. Everything good comes from God. When you may not have seen goodness growing up, but did get to see it in another family, or even on tv, somewhere in your conscious, that was Gods Spirit showing you. If somewhere in your heart you heard something peaceful in a bad situation, that was God. When Jesus came to town, everything changed that was of the law, and legalism. Jesus paid that price. And God said, when He sent Jesus to the world to reckon our sinful nature, He would write His words in our hearts and put His laws into our minds. Hebrews 8:10, originally from Jeremiah 31:33. Gods new covenant with man after Jesus paid the price and God raised Him from the dead to conquer hell and death (the enemies kingdom), He put His commandments in our hearts and mind. If you are confused, it is the devil, God can fix it. If you are worried, it is the devil. God can fix it. If you are hurt or broken hearted, God can fix it. Through Jesus, God can fix it. So get fixed, then trust God. :) His word does not go forth void. Isaiah 55:11 So shall My word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Glory to God! Praise to Jesus!!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 13:14:12 +0000

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