You know what I find very interesting? Some of the women that - TopicsExpress


You know what I find very interesting? Some of the women that accuse Black Men of being coddled, dont realize they themselves are coddled by the very system used to destroy our families. You know why we as women find it difficult to hold ourselves accountable? Its because for those that find solace and comfort in the arms of our enemy, that system doesnt hold women accountable for their actions but actually encourages, ENABLES and REWARDS us/them for said actions. A black man can get his driver’s license taken away if he is in arrears on child support. A black man will get his face plastered all over the internet, and billboards exposing him as a father that doesnt care, or so they will have you to think. Even after it is proven that a child is NOT HIS, in some cases he is STILL responsible for her deceptive actions, but will be quickly be condemned for his ASSUMED irresponsibility. Where is the justice in that?
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 00:04:25 +0000

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