You know what? I really dont know what I am going to do with my - TopicsExpress


You know what? I really dont know what I am going to do with my life. What I do know is this: I am pretty open to all areas of life. I love meeting new people and seeing new places. I love the face of wonder, and the face of joy. I know the difference between the face of respect and love, and the face of possession and lust. I am a very lustful person I guess one could say, and a bit of a dreamer. A lot of my ideas can be seen as unrealistic, but the thing to that is that seeing them as such closes your own mind, and not mine. I have always had a gift of being able to understand sufficiently despite the wide range of language barriers. Unfortunately, I know very little in regards to the number of languages out there. My method is to group like languages and learn those basics first. But that is a different subject for another time. Right now I just want to send my respect to the world for their lives and experiences. We humans are so short sighted most of the time and only focus on what is, more than what was or what shall be. Even that is done without high regards to anyplace outside of where we are at the moment. All around the world there are people suffering various things at different times... Just the same as it has always been. However, the truth that humans crave love, respect, and acceptance more than any other creature that we actually know of yet is very apparent globally. People want to love and laugh. People want to have enjoyable lives. People dont want any struggles and honestly dont want to cause struggles. It isnt the people that choose to have life move as it does. The more people there are in the world; the more organization we will always need. That my friends is the reason for the way life moves. The better the orginization; the more comfortable the inhabitants within can live every day. One world? I would so love that orginization, and maybe it will come to life in the future. Who knows? Realistically, for the moment, I support the way things are with our orginizations communicating with one another to try and remain as close to similarities as possible throughout the world and respect the necessary evils at play that provide us all with a life in which we can each live with less worry than we most likely had over 2000 years ago or more. I know that life is rough and that there are people out their suffering way more than I can even imagine. Please dont think I dont realize that, because I do. I know that there are pains we believe only to happen in horror novels and movies. My heart cries within every time those thoughts pass within my head. Which is so often that it should have driven me mad long ago. The only reason it hasnt is that I try and help all I can, and I remain grateful that life is many times better now even for the people suffering today as opposed to someone suffering the same thing back then. I want to send a message out to the world: continue to love through all of the hate. Do not close your eyes to beauty during the time of serious work needed to be done daily. Do not close your mind to growth, spiritually,physically, and mentally, thinking that it doesnt pertain to you. It is all of us, and pertains to us all. Learn it and know it. Above everything though, remember that life is balance. We cannot have life where anything is strong only on one side of the scale. How can you enjoy the day if the night didnt exist? How could you feel love if youve never known hate? How could you ever see beauty if there was never an ugliness? Many people believe that it is all in the eyes of the beholder, and for the most part that is very true, but many of those people are those that would have us believe that destroying the negative will bring positive results. Wrong. We are all electric. We choose to move in a balancing reaction to remain centered everyday. Anger, sadness, and other negative reactions trigger this common choice we all make every single day. Without these negative sparks we would eventually die out losing all reason to even nurture ourselves physically. Happiness and inspiration are sparks and are the sparks we should learn to use more, but the negative sparks fuel us more. So we need not kill negativity altogether if we want to continue living really. I believe that allowing our minds to know the bad that has been and could be at any time, while raising the next gens to choose love and respect while learning to understand and respect the causes of negativity in our lives... Now that is a plan. Wouldnt you say? Dont give those kids a reason to look at themselves negatively. Appreciate them to teach them to appreciate. Love them to teach them to love. Talk to them so that they learn to speak. ... And in the times of difficulty, do not hide your disappointment or disapproval. Do not cause them to hate by your acts of hatred. Do not make them hunger for pain by your seeking to hurt in a moment of reaction without action. Dont cause them to become secret holders by keeping things secret from them. They need to know how to do things and they need to know what doesnt work if they are every going to find the ways that do. All in all, if you truly want a peaceful world of unity, then be a person of unity to all you meet. Understand people and their lives as being just as important as anyone elses. Do not withhold respect or love in the act of sentencing. Do not cause factors in any situation that would make a person believe they need to keep a certain image in order to gain something that we all have rights to. Like jobs. Dont case negative reactions to stereotypes. All that stuff. Remain balanced and nurture healthy balancing. That is what I believe will give us our best chances to live comfortably and happily.... Anyhow... Just my random thought I wanted to share with the world. Goodnight. Everyone.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 08:06:36 +0000

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