You know what? I wasnt going to touch on any politics - TopicsExpress


You know what? I wasnt going to touch on any politics today....Social Media doesnt run my life, I do..... However, since some people on the Left continue to challenge me, because they are too damn stupid themselves not to look up factual information, since they have been brainwashed subversively not to.... I guess I have to educate these corkroaches today....Since they seem to believe Communism is better than Capitalism & Free-Market Principals.... Here is my lecture for today.... Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)....Commonly called The DOW, represent 30 Blue Chip Corporations who have a solid record of Earnings (Net Income) & Dividend (After-Tax Profits the company makes) in both good & bad times. The DOW is a representative indicator of the movement of the entire U.S. Stock Market, but represents only 20% of the Market Value of all shares of stock traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)..... Now....The 30 Blue Chip Corporations are as follows; 3M Alcoa Altra Group American Express American International Group (AIG) AT&T Boeing Caterpillar Citigroup Coca-Cola DuPont Exxon Mobil General Electric (GE).....Sounds like a company you work for, huh Cedrick Parker General Motors (GM)....Called Government Motors Hewlett-Packard (HP) Home Depot Honeywell IBM Intel Johnson & Johnson JP Morgan-Chase McDonalds Merck Microsoft Pfizer Proctor & Gamble United Technologies Verizon Communications Wal-Mart (The evil Wal-Mart) Walt Disney Now....Tim Tim Harris, The Free-Market Economy is an economic system where the government DOES NOT....repeat...DOES NOT.... interfere in business activity in any way. Vice...A Socialist Economy, employ the Central Planning and accounting systems based solely on Labor Hours Expended..... The difference....Free Market Capitalism revolves around individuals owning and operating a business for profit.....Socialism is where the government is responsible for the means of production AND the management of the Economy.... Conclusion....Since old Cedrick Parker failed to look up and explain these items himself and since you Tim only parrot the garbage that the Left regurgitates all the time in their quest to control the majority of the people by the few elites, it doesnt surprise me that neither of you two and the useful idiots on the Left can rationalize for yourself anything....This is based on facts and not fiction...You know, the same fiction the Leftists sympathizers dream about that everything should be equal when it is not....
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:04:32 +0000

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