You know what? Im sick and tired. Im also sick and tired of being - TopicsExpress


You know what? Im sick and tired. Im also sick and tired of being sick and tired. And now Im also sick and tired of having nothing else to tell you than that Im still sick and tired of being sick and tired! But Im afraid I still have no better news... For the first half of the day, the sun kept shining. Theres a purrfect sun puddle on the soft pillow in the cat room then, so I spent quite some time there again. When the human came to check on me, Herman followed her and she just managed to make 1 pic of me alone, and then he was there too. When the sun disappeared again, I went downstairs. It wasnt time for our afternoon wet food, so I ate some of Hermans kibbles. When it was time for the wet food, we got a new kind: Chunks in jelly. At first the human thought I didnt like it, cause I ate really slow, but I ate it all. Dushi left a little bit and Herman got to eat that. Both Herman and I got to play our favorite games. Herman got to chase The Red Dot, and I got to poke Herman. The human says I look cute when I do that. I just sit there and wait till the human makes Herman run past me and when he does, I only move one paw to poke him. But sometimes I do make that movement with my head that tells the human I feel playful. Other than that, I napped on both the bottom, the first level and the top level of the cat tree, and sat on the mat in the hall and on the windowsill. I did stay downstairs the second half of the day again. Dushi behaved quite well again today. She did meow loud, but only a few times and not for very long at a time. She also did that thing that the human thinks of its her way of playing with Herman. Herman is a little scared of her, but not really scared. He jumps away when Dushi jumps at him and swipes though, even though she does it with her tail and ears up. Herman does everything fast. He runs fast, he eats fast, he grows fast, he learns fast. He already knows his name and reacts to it and he also already knows what the word no means. Those are the two words he hears most often, I guess. But when the human says no to him, most times he actually stops doing what he was doing! Hes a smart kitten. The human doesnt know where Jinx was all day, but just now he was in the cat bed in the kitchen. Of course he got some treats when she found him there. She hasnt made any new pics of him, cause she didnt have her phone with her when she found him in the kitchen. I gotta leave it at this, cause one of my bestest furriends Rasmus is celebrating his 1 year on Facebook anniversary right now. Im not really in a party mood, but I have to go there, even if its just to concatulate him. I dont have any more to tell you anyway, so I say Nighty night to you already now. I will be here again after Ive been to Rasmus party, cause the human is watching darts again and she expects it to get late again and we wont go to bed before thats done.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 20:24:51 +0000

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