You know what? Im sick of this drama, all because of my post - TopicsExpress


You know what? Im sick of this drama, all because of my post about not liking Sherlolly. So here. Tell me why YOU ship Sherlolly? I demand more than theyre cute together! I will tell you why, in a calm manner, why Sherlolly is my notp. Firstly, anyone with eyes can see the blatant manipulation of Mollys crush. People think Sherlock is ignorant to feelings but hes not. He knows damn well how she feels, and he uses it to his advantage every time she even thinks of growing as a person. She has her bursts of backbone, and he tamps those down too. Secondly, they have nothing in common except a fascination with death, and they live in two totally different worlds on an unprofessional level. You really see Sherlock sitting and watching Glee while a cat gets hair all over him? How well did it go for Molly doing cases with Sherlock? Thirdly, despite his antics, Sherlock is mature in some ways and not in others. All that grabbing and kissing Molly did to her Sherlock look alike would not fly with him. Remember how awk he looks in each kiss and affectionate act with Janine? Fourth of all, as a couple, this show would become everything every other tv show is. Molly would not be able to keep up with his life, and she would want him to slow down at some point, something Sherlock would fight for a long time, and resent if he was made to. This has nothing to do with Johnlock, because the next person I ship Sherlock with is Adler. So im not some gay obsessed fangirl who cant ship anything but gay ships. I also dont ship it, simply because I dont like Molly Hooper! Why would I ship a character I detest as a person, with Sherlock? Ive previously explained why I dont like her as a character. But all of these things are a reason. As well, I think that Molly works with Moriarty, and I think one person being a bad guy while dating one of our boys is enough, dont you? Now. In the comments Below, explain to me why YOU ship Sherlolly! Any other ships are NOT WELCOME to hate on the ship in this post. No cursing, no fighting! And NO HATING THE SHIPPERS. SwiggitySwootyBenedictsBooty
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 05:23:20 +0000

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