You know what? Ive got a little Facebook Rant that is entirely - TopicsExpress


You know what? Ive got a little Facebook Rant that is entirely well-intended, but have to say it, because I think weve all experienced it. We want people to support us, we want people to see and hear what weve been up to. so we post in in places like facebook. Were human. We take pride in what we do. There are many ways to show support and to spread the love. So lets dis-spell a few myths and set the record straight shall we? After all,it is an open forum. (And please feel free to add, but not to argue...this is not intended to start a bunch of blasting caps.) and keep in mind, I DO realize there are no obligations or social rules. I DO know that you dont have to like anything or anyone on Facebook. And above all, I DO know and believe that what others do or say is really none of our business...just in case that comes up. This is a matter of communication ethics, I think. 1. I personally (along with many people I know) no longer frequent bars and clubs. This can be for any reason, there are many, everyone has his or her own reasons, and quite frankly, those reasons are no ones business. So if, I or anyone who fits this description hasnt been out to See your band or See your art doesnt mean we dont love and support you. For some, it means we just, cant. But notice that we do share youre posts and statuses, cheer you on, and yes, WE TOO buy your records, WE TOO download and share your music, WE TOO print your art because our kids want to tack it up in their bedroom. (something that some of your regulars may not do so much, cuz theyre always in your face) So just be aware. there are more ways to support local music and art than to guzzle beer at a rock show. 2.Everyone eventually has a friend (or several) on facebook who they get sick of seeing or hearing from, so we unsubscribe, right? Fair, common, and normal. Im quite sure that many have unsubscribed to me. Its all good. However, going back to the subject of support and spreading good energy, You are probably tagged in facebook posts. There is ONLY ONE reason people will tag you on Facebook. That is so you will see their post. It is usually a post that is somehow shouting out to you, or praising you and/or your work. Theres no way you dont see it, and really it is kind of a slap in the face when you cant hit the like button on that, but can hit the like button on your buddies picture of his cat eating cornflakes. Its the ONLY reason people tag other people. If you really hate the post, or dont appreciate it the praise or the acknowledgement how about unfriending that person, or better yet, send them a message that says...Hey man, saw the post that you tagged me in to thank me or to shout out for ther work, or the art, or the band, or the kid, or the puppy, but I decided to just blow that off. You dont have to do it, youre not obligated. But Facebook and other media, allows us to congratulate, compliment, and acknowledge each other. Something that rarely gets done face to face. So, chances are the reason youve been tagged is because someone cares about you or is thinking of you. Just a reminder. 3. It is completely rude, and shows a considerable lack of respect to deliberately blow off and ignore private messages and text messages. I mean really, it does. We all do it, we all miss them, get busy, want to reply, but cant at the moment and then forget. It happens. But you know what? not every time. So if you want support from people who maybe cant support you in the typical ways, show a little respect. If even to say, hey, I dont really want or need your support nor do I want to hear from you. But a blow off is a blow off. And it is really rude. Social media can be a strange place sometimes. And being artists, painters, musicians, and the like, we are all in some ways in the same boat. Some of us are more sensitive to it. some of us are so cool for school that we dont care about it anymore, and some of us fall somewhere in between. I work for a very well-known and fantastic program for kids about to explode into the world of the arts. Social Media praise and critcism is a huge part of that business and that world. After all why do we post our music and videos and poems and artwork here? Thats right, so someone will see it or hear it and RESPOND. So it may even help our young aspiring artists to learn this from us. Just a thought. I am happy to have Facebook friends. I am happy to, and will, support your art in any way that I can, even if that is only from right here. If it is only to create a page where you can post your own stuff, and I can share it there for you. If it is only so I can buy your record and know that it might have helped you. We are all doing what we can do. Some of us are doing much more for you and your art than you even know. So, lets all have a little respect, (not meaning you have to oblige yourself to like, paste, upload post, fluff, and otherwise suck up to anyone)...respect, in this instance, meaning to have the decency to respond to communication, acknowledge your social shout outs (again there is ONLY ONE reason people will ever tag you in a post, and that is to somehow acknowledge you and most likely compliment you or otherwise show their gratitude or support). And if you have the time to post a picture of your kitty, you have time to respond to a text message, if only to say Got it, or Ill have to get back to you That, to me is just I dunno. cool to do. If this posts offends you or makes you mad, please dont comment on it and cause some foolish debate. Instead, message me, and if your point is valid, well either debate in private, or Ill kindly take it down.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 21:35:15 +0000

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