You know what! This is exactly what put me off going into - TopicsExpress


You know what! This is exactly what put me off going into university education. Going into higher education where I would have the spirit removed then after three to four years of being conditioned into thinking the way those in charge think then and only then being told right! Now you come up with an original idea of your own!?! When I was in the army reserves it was clear the way the army works is to dismantle your character then rebuild it in a way the army can then use. I firmly believe that university education works in the same way. This is what you need to know and how you need to think. If you do not conform and be blindly following and instead question then youre out. That is how I felt anyway. Someone recently told me they believed I should study philosophy. Becuase I am I suppose quite philosophical and am a freethinker my point was that if I went to college or university what would be the point? To go learn who and what others thought? So I could then do what? Think for myself? Which I already do! I felt that if I was to go uni and learn philosophy I would end up losing my ability to think freely. The philosophers I would learn about would not have been likely to be so philosophical as they turned out to be had they first had to learn about how to be philosophical. To first have to learn what others had said about x,y and z. Instead of simply discussing thoughts and ideas. As they happen. Naturally. The idea of learning how to think creatively and freely is IMO diametrically opposed to the act of thinking freely. We clearly need to have education in order to be able to have valid ideas and then arguments about ideas. Otherwise we would be ignorant bigots. To be able to have ideas on what we then philosophise about, to have to first study the ideas of others before being able to have valid ideas and philosophy of your own, is to me a bizarre way to think. Unless..... there is a benefit to those in charge to ensure our way of thinking appears to be free whilst in actuality it is controlled and steered into pre determined directions. Manipulation of us all. Say having to have a university degree before anyone will take anything you say seriously. No matter how great that idea! And who gives out the degree? Where did this all start? Who decided that the only people whose ideas can be considered valid are those not only with a uni degree but also from which uni!
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 06:23:29 +0000

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