You know what is one of the most important but unrecognized books - TopicsExpress


You know what is one of the most important but unrecognized books in the bible? Numbers. Think about it, we read Leviticus to learn the laws of living Holy. The two books before it, show us what kind of miracles we can see unfold through our obedience, but the next one, Numbers, shows us what can happen when we DISOBEY. Disobedience comes with great consequence, friends, and youll find that in this book. Thats why we dont acknowledge it like we should. Because we know whats in it, so we skip past it to find David and Goliath or Daniel in the Lions Den, so we can sprinkle some self-liberating encouragement on top of our disobedience before we attempt to consume it. The story of the Passover tells us to eat with BITTER herbs and eat with haste. Bitter things tend to be hard to swallow. Just like theres a few places in the bible harder to swallow than others. But The Lord said eat it all and eat it now. Remember that next time you open up your Bible and it lands on that book, that chapter, that verse, that you didnt want it to land on because it makes you unsatisfied with your self evaluation when you read it. Just some food for thought.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 19:57:32 +0000

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