You know what most Nintendo games are these days? Expansion packs. - TopicsExpress


You know what most Nintendo games are these days? Expansion packs. Seriously. Super Mario Galaxy 2 was basically all the things they couldnt shove into Mario Galaxy 1, and thats not an insult. They give you new levels (Galaxies for Mario, groundhog day loops for Zelda, Tropical Winterlands for Donkey Kong) to test the mechanics theyve perfected because theyve spent years perfecting them. Conversely, I cant think of a 3D sonic game after Sonic Adventure 2 that didnt have some sort of gimmick that made it incompatible with what came before. Heroes added teams (not a bad idea). Shadow added guns (not inherently a bad idea, but a bad one for Sonic, which I suppose is why they made it Shadows thing). Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 might as well have been three incompatible games! Secret Rings put everything on rails, Unleashed turned him into a car (for better) and a wolf-hog (for worse; btw I like my name better), Colors added sentient power ups, Generations brought back classic gameplay (sure), and Lost World flipped gravity on its head. The ones that worked (Unleashed, Colors and the console versions of Generations) were because they were an evolution of a single engine/platform mechanic (the daytime unleashed running mechanic) rather than trying something new. I agree with the overall point, even if I disagree with some of the details (Sonic Colors was a good game, for one). Especially since it looked like they had a formula they could improve upon with the hedgehog/unleashed engine, and then chucked it for the lost World engine (even though Sonic Colors proved Nintendo hardware could handle unleashed gameplay) In this regard, I think the audience isnt helping either. I like Sonic Colors where Jim Sterling doesnt. He likes Sonic 4 where I dont. Sega needs to define what Sonic gameplay means once and for all, nail that down, and only experiment once its started to get stale. But they need to give it time to get stale. The surface stuff (story, characters, look, current gimmick) isnt what needs fixing
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 20:20:11 +0000

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