You know what takes all the fun out of gaming... when you start - TopicsExpress


You know what takes all the fun out of gaming... when you start attaching rules and restrictions on it. How many times have you seen someone quit during a match due to bad lag? How many times has someone stolen your item or your kill or whatever, so you spent the rest of the match just hounding that person... What about idling??? I cant be the only person who always got called to do chores in the middle of a game. Or maybe I had to run and take a leak. Or maybe I strategically found a specific spot to hide while I wait to ambush a player. Camping is a legitimate strategy and the only people who complain are the ones who arent good at it. I know were talking about Smash Bros and not Call of Duty or Halo or other multiplayer games, but look at these rules and then think of all the different play styles you encounter. Do we really want to start telling people how theyre supposed to play the game??? Isnt this the reason we play games, so we can enjoy them??? What if the next penalty blocks you for button mashing? It shouldnt be too hard to discern the button mashers from the ones who actually execute the moves listed in the manuals. Its a slippery slope people. We buy games to enjoy them and have fun. Do you really want someone defining what you consider fun???
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 22:15:02 +0000

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