You know what we are tired of here at Metabolic Effect? The bias, - TopicsExpress


You know what we are tired of here at Metabolic Effect? The bias, extremism and misinformation in the health, fitness and weight loss world. Now the truth is there is so much we dont know so ignorance is always acceptable. Arrogance however is not. And that is what we see far too often in the health, fitness and weight loss community......ignorance combined with arrogance. As health care professionals we are constantly trying to educate ourselves, check our biases at the door and take a more evidence based approach. Sometimes we are successful and sometimes we are not..........but we are always striving to get better. One of my favorite human traits, the one I find most noble, is the ability to admit when we are mistaken and correct course. We have done that a million times as individual practitioners and as a company. Along the way we have come to trust very few resources.........mostly because the vast majority are too biased one way or the other. Or too interested in their respective nutrition team or favorite product to offer good quality insight. It is one think to have information. It is another thing to learn that information and turn it into knowledge. But the hardest thing is combining that knowledge with real world expereince (knowledge plus experience= wisdom). That is what we should all be striving for. But it is not easy to know where to turn for quality, unbiased, non-extreme, evidence based information. But it just got a whole lot of the best, if not the best, sources for quality research based info on the web is examine..........we have been consumers of their content from the start. And now they have launched a services that will give you the cutting edge in non-biased researched based info......... Their research digest will also teach you how to think more critically about health and fitness information so you can stop being a blog researcher and start elevating your game...... We cant recognize this service enough. Especially for you health and fitness professionals out there..........this should be in your continuing education arsenal without question...........check it out at the link below and order the service.......and free yourself from the non-sense, extremism and bias that has its tentacles in so many can thank us later. jade
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 17:14:57 +0000

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