You know what would be really easy? If we could just narrow - TopicsExpress


You know what would be really easy? If we could just narrow down our enemies into a few groups, and then we could just hate those groups. I know, its called some nasty names, isnt it? Bigotry, racism, prejudice, etc. But its so easy. Its rather tempting, you know? But theres a problem. Every time you look at the numbers and you see that two-thirds of Catholics are Democrats, you have to realize that one third of Catholics are terrific, solid pro-life Republicans. And every time you notice that 85% of blacks vote Democrat, you have to remember that 15% have the courage to vote Republican despite unbelievable cultural pressure from their neighbors and families. And yes, that DOES take courage. And every time you see a bunch of Hollywood actors being sniveling leftists calling for socialism, you have to remember that there are some conservatives in Hollywood - Robert Davi, Angie Harmon, Patricia Heaton, Dennis Miller, and hundreds more - whove had the courage to put their careers at risk by being vocal Republicans there, of all places, in the least hospitable place for them on earth. And as long as were naming names... we think of gays as being a liberal group, but Terry Dolan, who tragically died of AIDS in the mid 80s, is one of my lifelong heroes for the brilliant TV commercials he created for NCPAC in 1980, getting credit as one of the reasons we won that great Reagan landslide. And Jews are thought of as part of the liberal base, but where would we be without Milton and Rose Friedman, and the Podhoretzes and Kristols who did so much to give the conservative movement its strength in the 80s? As an Irishman, Ive always looked up to Bill Buckley and Ronald Reagan of course... but my heroes have also long included Walter E Williams, Thomas Sowell, Meir Kahane, Bibi Netanyahu, and Im not black or Jewish. My heroes have long included Ann Coulter and Phyllis Schlafly, and Im not a blonde woman. And heres the thing, and its the reason I started this rant: Ive always felt that you cant be conservative and have any of these bigotries. You just plain cant. Why? Because you cant be a conservative and NOT love the people Im listing here. These are terrific conservative leaders, and we are all fans of all of them. You cant say Im a conservative, and I dont like Clarence Thomas... the words couldnt come out of your mouth; I even found it difficult to type! He epitomizes the conservative philosophy so well, we dont care what color his skin is; we love reading his opinions (and his great autobiography too, by the way, My Grandfathers Son)... Democrats have major leaders who fall into these kinds of groups too, sure.... but you can tell, with theirs, that its BECAUSE of their ethnicity that theyre championed. Would Hillary be a frontrunner if she werent a woman? Would Jesse Jackson be famous if he werent black? And the best example of all: Would Barack Hussein Obama have had a chance in presidential politics if he werent that odd half white half Kenyan commie atheist mixture that he is??? When a famous conservative happens to be in a minority group, that tells you - by definition - that hes not some affirmative action placeholder. It tells you that this is a shining star, a brilliant intellect on the political scene. Because were the ones who dont care about color or gender. Were the ones who respect patriotism, common sense, a quick wit and a keen mind. You might even go so far as to say... were the ones who judge people by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin. Pity the Democrats dont, despite their never-ending championing of the man who said those words. The Democrats may have heard that speech a hundred times, but theyve NEVER listened to a word he said. John F. Di Leo
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 03:45:56 +0000

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