You know when I ask for help it is rarely for me... I met this - TopicsExpress


You know when I ask for help it is rarely for me... I met this young lady the day she saw I/We helped Grace & she said I gave her hope that if she were ever in need that she too could be helped. So when shes needed help I didnt go to The Network. I went to the bank, the drawers & tapped anything I had to help her because I wanted her to know that by simply asking, she too could receive Goda blessings. This is why I have helped... Now I am asking, if you can..please help her too! Inbox me if you can assist! I dated my ex-husband for 10 years before we married. There werent any signs of violence until I became pregnant with our daughter. He beat me daily and cheated often. After our daughter was born the beatings continued. The police were called often. Unfortunately because he was a well known entertainer, the police gave him a pass and instead told him if he accused me of hitting him first they would arrest me also and I would lose custody of my child. I dealt with that for another year. One particular violent night, this time much worse than the others, he beat me with belts, his fist & anything else close by. It seemed to last forever. But this time he also slapped my baby. Once he hit her, everything changed. I didnt care about consequences. I called the police and he was finally arrested. He was in jail for a couple of hours. It was just long enough to go underground to protect myself and my child. I was able to avoid him for a year afterwards. But he found me again. He put a gun in my mouth, threatening to pull the trigger. He beat me with a closed hand in my face until my face was disfigured. I made it out with a broken nose and a few stitches in my head. Again I moved. This continued for 6 years. During that time he attempted to kidnap my daughter from school, he broke into my home, etc. After all of the drama, I was able to serve him with papers to end our marriage. I had to be escorted to court. He did not appear. The judge reviewed my case and the numerous abuse reports. He stated it was the worse case of abuse he had ever seen where the victim lived. The judge met with a protection program and decided to place my family in the program. I had to completely change my identity to protect my family. Everything seemed to be okay afterwards. No contact, no fear, a normal life. Years later my daughter has now become my primary focus and not being able to provide for her at this delicate time & my 2 sons has been heart breaking. Fast forward to current....We discovered mold in our rental home during the winter storms. All of our respiratory systems have been compromised. My daughter, the worst. She became ill and had to be hospitalized for over a month. We had to vacate the home and move into a hotel, pending cleanup and repairs. The expenses have become tremendous. Weve been living in this hotel with very little to no food for more than 45 days. My daughter is now out of the hospital but living on a ventilator and fed by feeding machine. Yes, while we live in a hotel, still displaced from out home. Shes a fighter. She is in pain, but strives to resume her life daily. I now take care of her full-time while she recovers. I wanted to reach out for help, but didnt know how to do that without putting my family at risk (of being found by my ex). Monique, My Angel here on earth has supported my family repeatedly through this time and suggested I tell my story. This is my story.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 22:22:04 +0000

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