You know why monks take a vow of silence? I always wondered what - TopicsExpress


You know why monks take a vow of silence? I always wondered what would compel someone to do that. I mean, were they able to sign, make hand gestures? How did they communicate? A few days ago, I posted about words and how the power of life and death are in them. About being an encourager. So as I was reading this morning in Ephesians, Paul is talking in chapter 4 about the unity in the body of Christ. Hes talking about living as children of light. But in verse 29 says this do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Those monks didnt take a vow silence because they were very disciplined. They took the vow because they knew every time they open their mouths they were exercising their own will. They knew the power of life and death was in their tongue. Am i disciplined enough to ask myself before I speak if what Im about to say will help others become stronger? I have the ability to help someone or hurt someone but what I say. If we had food and saw someone starving wouldnt we share it? If we had water and saw someone dying of thirst wouldnt we share that too? Of course we would. Then why dont we do the same for their hearts? Anyone that knows me now knows that Im an encourager. Im not trying to gain anything by it other than to lift someone up. I try not to hold back any encouragement from anyone whos discouraged. So unless you or I am willing to take a vow of silence , let the words that we exercise be words to lift someone up! Amen?
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 11:17:07 +0000

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