You know yA LIFE IS FKD up when .... -Your Girlfriend cracks - TopicsExpress


You know yA LIFE IS FKD up when .... -Your Girlfriend cracks Phone Screen and sends you a screenshot!! -When your Gf is stressed when her favorite TV program is delayed.. -When you buy airtime worth 50USD and after entering the digits and disposing the scratchcard,u receive sms error,please enter again.. -When u have to hold a fart inside your tummy and the room is dead silence .. :-p -When you buy a new TV and the lifts are out of order.. -When u send 50,000kshs to wrong number in Mpesa and after 5 seconds you receive an sms THANK YOU and the number goes dead for 1 week. :-p HAVE A POSITIVE DAY
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 07:21:16 +0000

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