You know you are doing something right when the looneys start - TopicsExpress


You know you are doing something right when the looneys start trying to hack their way into your site with all the skill of Otis the Drunk playing a game of “Operation!”. The JJ McCartney Show in the month of May had over 45,000 listeners, the vast majority new to the site. Our shows are being called “better than Rush” by people we do not even know. We’ve grown more in the past 6 weeks than in the previous 8 months combined. That doesn’t happen unless you are blazing a trail. With marquis guests like Jim Garrow, Ambassador John Bolton, Joe the Plumber, Carl Gallups and IQ Al Rassooli, we are delivering content and commentary which is original, topical, timely and not in the slightest bit afraid to go against the grain. We’re not controlled by any global corporations, no controlling partners, and no boards of directors. Our mission statement is pretty simple: Tell the truth, awaken the sleeping giant, and fear only God! So when looneys from the left try to spam their way into our chat rooms or comment sections they are as exposed as Madonna in a bathe-house. And I kind of feel sorry for them…after all, their boy in the White House has proven to be a colossal failure, so inept and weak that not even the weakest nations in the world have any fear of the U.S. under Obama. Their golden child turns out to have no substance whatsoever, and the whole world now sees this for what it really is: A clueless puppet who was ushered in only by the “coat-tails” the mighty “Oprah”. America today is under assault, our southern border is more porous than Tommy Lee Joneses’ freshly exfoliated face, and instead of pretending he cares about national security, Bathe-house Barry calls these exploited child-victims from places like El Salvador and Guatemala the “hope for the future”. Meanwhile, the labor participation rate is the lowest it has been since the Jefferson administration, there are fewer people paying into entitlement programs and Obama wants to grant amnesty to dozens of millions of lawbreaking illegals because that will make it so much easier for democrats to win elections than, you know, actually doing a good job running the country. Stupid is as stupid does…and judging by the polling numbers, many stupid voters are starting to realize the error of their ways, and as the economy continues to slide closer and closer to the vat of acid it is being suspended over only by artificial links of chain which are designed to fail, it will be just a matter of time before angry people with pitchforks, tar, feathers and plenty of time on their hands are likely to run Obama out of Washington D.C. on a rail. The blatant manner with which Obama has set about destroying the engine of America’s economy, and the blatant manner with which he has tried to buy the votes of illegals is no longer hidden beneath mountains of sycophantic praise and Nobel Peace Prizes. Obama is the enemy of America. He must be stopped. And to think, the looney left is applauding even as their own future security is eroding beneath them faster than Al Sharpton’s ratings! They may want to burn the Saul Alinsky playbook, because we are wise to their tactics, and we are immune to their pathetic little rants. How difficult must life be for those who cannot even THINK in complete sentences? jjmccartney is home of The JJ McCartney Show…the CURE for the COMMON SHOW!
Posted on: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 11:01:55 +0000

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