You know, you can do anything in life!! Anything you set your - TopicsExpress


You know, you can do anything in life!! Anything you set your mind to. But there are a few ground rules.... 1 - BELIEF. The first step towards accomplishing anything in life is believing in yourself! You can get encouragement and love from others but the most important encouragement is going to come from yourself. If you dont believe in yourself, youve already lost. Believing in God doesnt hurt, either. God cant do everything for you, but God can give you strength you didnt know you had, and opportunities to use that strength and accomplish things on your own :). 2 - A DEAF EAR. This means not always listening to the doubts of others. When someone else cant do something, theyll tell you that you cant do it, either. You have to be strong enough at times to say, You know what, I respect your opinion, but please get the hell out of my way so I can prove you wrong.... 3 - PATIENCE. No matter what you try and accomplish in life, it always takes time. Sometimes a loooooong time. You have to be able to tell yourself, Ok, Im not getting what I want right now, but thats just how life works sometimes. You cant be like the girl in Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory that always had to have everything now. You will face difficulties and failures, but you have to have patience and enough inner strength to be able to wait for opportunities to try again. 4 - WORK ETHIC. Anything in life worth having requires tremendously hard work. Youll also have to deal with failures and be able to get up the next morning and keep working. When Michael Jordan missed a shot at the end of a game that couldve won it, do you think he sulked and cried and called himself a failure? HELL NO. He went out to the gym after the game and took 100 extra shots of the one he missed, so that next time he wouldnt. 5 - ENCOURAGING FRIENDS. I said above, the most important supporter in your life has to be YOU. But it doesnt hurt to have people around you that honestly encourage you and support you. If you have people around you that dont encourage you, put you down, or dont want to see you might be time to find a new crowd. Uplifting friends, or especially a spouse or serious lover, go a long way to accomplishing the things youre setting out for. Rocky wasnt shit until Adrian came around. Just saying. Those are just my opinions on the matter. Feel free to add anything that you think will help accomplish anything. No matter what youve been through in life, what obstacles youve had to face, you can still rise up tomorrow and accomplish anything :). All it takes is belief in yourself, and realizing that you can. I sure wish I could fulfill my dream to play in the NBA! That could inspire people to realize that they could accomplish things too. I could play on the Knicks and be the next Nate Robinson, an unusually small player. I quit organized basketball in 10th grade. I would get criticized for being too small or too skinny. Muggsy Bogues was small too! And he ended up doing pretty good for himself. He was one of the great guards of all time. Always remember, great big surprises sometimes come in the smallest packages :). Im putting up some basketball related clips that I use for inspiration. If you dont like basketball, check them out! Then come find me so we can play some one on one and I can show you some of my big surprises :). Hope all is well!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 08:13:44 +0000

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