You make CASUAL remarks-without thinking what your words will do - TopicsExpress


You make CASUAL remarks-without thinking what your words will do to the next person. You COMMENT-you normally base your comments on what you think,not on how things are. you opinionated. You COMPARE- you always trying to see how similar or different peoples lives are. You COMPLAIN- you always have negative things to say about others. Sometimes you COMPLIMENT- but that hardly happens. You dont COMPREHEND-you think life revolves around you. You love CONCLUDING-part of what you do best. You arent That CONFIDENT- you got a very low self-esteem. You dont have a life besides being a cyber bully. hence you Love causing CONFUSION&CONFLICTS- these two words are your middle names . Wish you were CONSIDERATE- if only youd think about others. and stop with your CONSTANT COMPLAINTS- you need to learn to appreciate the things around you. you are COUNTERFEIT-yeah dude you arent as real as you claim to be. You are not COURTEOUS- you should try being polite sometime. You arent as COURAGEOUS as you claim to be- you cant face the truth. You are a COWARD- damn right you are terrified of being brave. You are CRANKY- you should stop that its annoying. You need to start thinking like people your age do. You are CRUEL- i sometimes doubt that you human. Always CRITIZING- critism is your food. You feed on it. CURIOUSITY will murder you- you forever wondering how people are doing their things instead of working your way up. #CHANGE -_-
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 13:24:18 +0000

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