You make me confused Truth speaks, and we respond with reluctance - TopicsExpress


You make me confused Truth speaks, and we respond with reluctance and whining – you make me confused. Heaven speaks, and our reaction consists in an unwillingness to consider. Men, sent from the Throne, speak, and we contradict their words by a yawn. To the prophet: “You make me confused, and I heartily dislike being stirred and confused”. Ours is a dislike for thinking, ours is a distaste for that which prompts consideration and discernment. The major part among common church people prefer to sit under a canopy of soothing words, which make secure, promise happy endings and allow us all to settle for mediocrity. The heart of that which is Church as it stands in our days is set for amusement, which by its very nature confronts and does away with any tendency towards musing and its results gathered as spiritual wisdom. Amusement breaks the edge of musing – and we are lost to the powers of the great falling away, the apostasy prophesied to occur in the latter days. The falling away, the straying of the last days Church consists at its core of that which is light-hearted and easy-going. One of those ugly words, which belong to our days, is spelled lawlessness –and we immediately conjure up pictures which express various forms of cruelty and crime. But, this word – “lawlessness” – stands for something in which we all share, it defines the common breaking away from the adherence to that which is settled and ordered for our common good. Even further, lawlessness is an inherent bending away from that which is set as standards and protocol, set and solidified by Heaven itself. Lawlessness, expressed in the holy place: Self-willed, self-focused worship, brought to the audience as musical prowess to be enjoyed and admired – introduced as an offering unto the Lord, but in practical measure an expressing of sensuality in semi-religious form. The falling away, the straying of the last days Church consists at its core of that which is light-hearted and easy-going. When truth speaks, ears are shut, words are filtered away, simply because the work needed for the integrating of the words, sent from Heaven, in personalized lifestyle and morality is considered a task too heavy. The doctrinal haze produced by vanity preachers does only help to strengthen the unwilling in their position, in which they consider fidelity to heavenly protocol as expressed in unchangeable tenets and doctrine to be bridle and harness only too restricting to their spiritual quest. Apostasy comes in subtle and deceptive as spiritual freedom – both doctrinally and morally, which is freedom unto laxity and lasciviousness. Prophets, true prophets, are spurned and rejected as men who rob the Church of its freedom of choice. But, their words rightly bring confusion, confusion unto repentance and the recovering of true spiritual values. The very bottom-line consists in sobbing and whining, gathered in the following: “Thinking is painful. God loves us, and He does not hurt us. Therefore, you are not sent from God with this king of words.” But, God desires truth in the inward parts. Truth is painful, taking truth to heart for the sake of being made true is indeed painful. The man who thinks is involved in wrestling with that which brings truth, that which brings spiritual values. Thinking, spiritually disposed thinking opens the heart for that which is absolute. The open heart invites a thinking, which settles for no less than a revealing of heavenly protocol. And, God is there, ever ready to guide both mind and heart on paths of righteousness. Beware of vanity. Beware of lightheartedness. Learn to think, to be made able to break away from mediocrity and shallowness, which only serves in the establishing of the spirit of lawlessness even within the Church – the Church, which is meant to be “the pillar and ground of the truth”. Learn to muse, meditate on His word daily. Cultivate a mind inclined for the hearing of His Word. Cultivate routines, discipline yourself for the sake of truth properly secured in the inward parts. By this the war against deception and the powers of confusion are overcome. Lars Widerberg Reading: Ps 51:6, Ps 23:3, 1 Tim 3:15 -- -- --
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 08:36:56 +0000

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