You may be in your 40th week of pregnancy if.... cry - TopicsExpress


You may be in your 40th week of pregnancy if.... cry when your midwife appointment gets rescheduled for the next day because you thought that maybe the simple act of *seeing* your midwife would put you into labor cant read a Psalm without crying cant watch Children are a Blessing without crying CANT STOP CRYING! ...youre crying because youre crying ...youre chugging Red Raspberry leaf tea like its going out of style believe that with all the Evening Primrose Oil youve been taking, Baby is just going to *slide* out, no pushing required Google things like: How to induce labor naturally Is weepiness a pre-labor symptom and Has it ever happened where a woman never went into labor on her own feel 6 weeks overdue because your last child was born 6 weeks early fold the laundry, clean the house, get groceries, and rake leaves for the last time before the Baby comes, just like you did last week have one and a half outfits that actually still fit you and you save them for special occasions think, Dont worry, in two weeks this will all be a distant memory is a completely unsympathetic thing for someone to say ...youre hoping that with all the Braxton Hicks that have been going on, youre already going to be dilated 6cm when REAL labor starts ...youve forgotten what your toes look like are thankful God created humans with a normal gestational period of 40 weeks and genuinely feel sorry for mother elephants who are pregnant for 95 weeks wonder, Is this IT? with every contraction are abundantly thankful for Gods sparing mercies over your Babys life so far and are trusting in His gracious character to make all things go well when the big day comes long to hold a newborn in your arms, breathe in that newborn baby smell, and kiss those tiny fingers and toes, even if it means a hard labor and delivery, surgery, or another manual placenta removal feel abundantly blessed that the new life within your womb has reached full-term, especially when remembering that several months ago, you were on strict bed-rest at your in-laws, hoping to make it to 24 weeks think youll never tire of hearing that newborn cry
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 18:15:50 +0000

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