You may be interested in our response to someone who messaged us - TopicsExpress


You may be interested in our response to someone who messaged us saying Fundraising towards our Album is ridiculous, selfish & greedy: The reason we deleted your comment was because we found your comment hurtful and judgemental. As a matter of fact, weve done several fundraisers for others whilst being disadvantaged ourselves.. A few months ago we fundraised for the Environmental Defence Offence: A gas mining company called Metgasco stormed into our small country town and tried to pollute the drinking water with poisonous chemicals by mining the earth of its gas in order to make billions $$ in overseas sales (in exchange for the health of thousands of innocent people). Co-incidently, we did all of this fundraising while we were HOMELESS. Before Vanessa and I secured this tiny flat which were renting now, we had to couch surf in a friends lounge-room for several months because we couldnt afford the bond + rent + study costs. This is why we had a period of about 6 months where we didnt upload any singing videos. During this anti-gas mining protest we camped on a farm for weeks so that we could physically block the gateway so the gas truck could not get in and destroy our earth. In response to your comment that we should donate to the homeless, we recently had an article written about us for donating to a homeless man: We are constantly on the verge of homelessness. We live completely by ourselves and juggling rent, food, bills, study fees, books, driving lessons as well as trying to make it with our music - its harder than you think. Our fans want an album and we want to give it to them - but with $50 in our bank account this is impossible. To give you an idea of how much is costs to record an album... its $700 per day in the recording studio. An album has 12 songs on it, thats 12 X $700. There are dozens of other expenses involved with recording and distributing an album. We have spent years doing free gigs and releasing music on Youtube for people to download for free. We have never made a single dollar in our entire life from our music. We are genuinely struggling to afford to survive, and of coarse a stranger like you does not know this (why would anyone post that information on Facebook...) But for you to claim that we are ridiculous and greedy for crowd-funding...I think you should re-consider who should have a heavy-conscience. The only clothing we buy ourselves are those that cost a couple of bucks from Op Shops (Thrift Stores). The clothing you see us wearing in our photos are simply because we MODEL for clothing brands. One of the main motivators in achieving a music career is our aspiration to kick off our own Anti-Bullying Campaign. You would have seen this information had you even bothered to click on our Kick Starter link, but instead you chose to leave an unsubstantiated and judgemental comment. As we were bullied so badly through school it has shaped who we are and what we want to do. We will be travelling around Australian schools playing music and speaking of our experiences with the overall initiative: to put an end to bullying. In fact, we have 2 schools booked for September (which we are doing for FREE). If you had decency, respect and maturity, you would have expressed your opinion in a private message rather than bullying us on a public platform. Last but not least: Never judge a book by its cover. You dont know what goes on in peoples lives just by seeing a couple of photos and singing videos on Facebook.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 13:07:37 +0000

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