You may find this piece a good learning experience. You never know - TopicsExpress


You may find this piece a good learning experience. You never know when you need to play your part in some drama, and having some experience handy would make a difference in role-playing. Of course, our life is a drama in itself and its different from dramatic role-playing in that real-life drama happens without any rehearsal while acting takes a lot of practice. In real life drama, some scenes are more interesting than others. The drama Im about to talk about is just one hour of my life but theres a lot to learn from it. For example, the kind of people were surrounded by; they assume most people live their life without any senses. Im reversing my car out of the parking spot in my school at the end of the day. Suddenly, I see another vehicle approaching my car, and I immediately hit the brakes. Oh God, our vehicles are about to collide! Im still in this thought when I see a gentleman walking towards my side of the car. At this point, I was sure our cars had collided. Look! What did you do to my van? He said in a rude voice. I was utterly shocked and speechless. It didnt feel like the cars hit but I figured I must have if hes out of his car blaming me like this. How could someone be that annoyed at me without a reason? I got out of my car to have a look. Oh, wow, his van has a huge dent! Thats why he was so angry. I am astonished, asking myself how this could have possibly happened. I checked my car but it only had a minor scratch. I was wondering whether it was there already. He was going out of this way to show that he was very upset with me. I didnt know how to act this scene because I hadnt rehearsed for it. Hes getting out his cell phone, and my assumption is that he wants to call the police. Oh, I have an appointment soon. Just then, I had an idea. Hold on, let me get my principal, I said. You dont need to, he told me. Hmm...why wouldnt he want me to? I ignored him and walked inside the school. I need your help, I told my principal as I walked into the school office. The principal came out and tried to intervene in order to solve the issue, but he didnt change his aggressive tone towards the principal. The principal didnt think the police should be involved in such a minor issue, but the gentleman wouldnt listen. The principal wanted me to avoid arguing with him and told me to sit in the office until the police arrived. It took about 40 minutes for the police to arrive; it was the needed interval in the drama. The policeman observed the situation and I thought he understood the story right away. After observing the scene, he wanted to hear my side of the story. I explained every little detail. After hearing my story, the officer turned to him and said, What do you want, sir? She damaged my vehicle badly, he replied. Why doesnt her car has any dent? As a professional, he sure had a good eye and saw right through his farce. As I see it, this dent doesnt have anything to do with this hit. He was now speechless. Do you want me to show you? the officer said. The policeman walked to his car and came back with a measuring tape. He made a measurement on both vehicles. As you can see, the scratch on her car is at 65 cm while the dent on your car is at 80 cm, so sir, its clear that this dent doesnt have anything with this hit, the policeman said. He is quiet now. In fact, I thought he was a good actor, and he played his role really well. I wish I had the opportunity to suggest to him to become an actor as hed do a fine job at it. But there wasnt any chance to have a pleasant conversation at that moment.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 04:50:44 +0000

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