“You may have been anyway, Captain,” she said now, her voice - TopicsExpress


“You may have been anyway, Captain,” she said now, her voice gentle, and he looked at her mutely. “You may have been,” she repeated, and her tone had hardened. “But from what I know of General Palane, I don’t think you were. And either way, Captain Zilwicki—Anton—” she met his eyes very levelly, “from what I know of Admiral Gold Peak, by this time, I guarantee you those people on Mesa have a much better understanding of the phrase the wrath of God is upon you.” Eric Flint gene on numara bir performans göstermiş. Kitap biraz yavaş başlıyor ama gerim gerim geriyor ikinci yarıdan itibaren. Victor her zamanki Victor, Thandi her zamankinden on kat daha Thandi. Umarım şu film işi sönmez de Victoru sinema perdesinde görebiliriz; eminim Victor Cachat sinema perdesinde yerini aldığında, başka kahramanları hatırlamayacağız bile: Jason Bourne kimmiş, Jack Bauer kimmiş olacak. Tabii şimdilik bu dediklerim kimseye bir anlam ifade etmiyor, belki Alkım hariç. Seri: Honor Harrington, kitap Cauldron of Ghosts. Okuyun abicim.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 12:56:41 +0000

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