You may have heard that eating before bed is a big-time no no for - TopicsExpress


You may have heard that eating before bed is a big-time no no for those looking to lose weight. In fact, youve probably even heard that eating late at night will undoubtedly cause you to GAIN weight...even worse! Well, theres good news, and that good news is that not every food that you eat past 7PM will be automatically deposited to your butt, thighs, and love handles. In fact, there are certain foods that you can eat as a late-night snack that can actually INCREASE your fatloss results! The key is knowing which foods to eat, and which to avoid, as the evening progresses. Heres a good rule of thumb: Avoid carbs before bed in favor of slow-digesting high-quality protein. Carbohydrate consumption (includes cereal and ice cream) causes significant rise in the storage hormone insulin, which also puts the breaks on fat-burning. Thats a recipe for disaster in the late evening hours as your metabolism is winding down, but fortunately, slow-digesting protein isnt. Instead, slow digesting proteins provide your body with a steady flow of amino acids throughout the night to help you recover from exercise and maintain your calorie-burning lean muscle as you lose fat. Here are some of the top pre-bedtime choices: 1. White Meat Animal Protein (not red meat or fish) - White meat protein sources such as chicken and turkey are great pre-bed meal choices because they digest slowly and have a very low insulin release. These sources also promote the release of another hormone, glucagon, that assists the body with breaking down stored carbs and fat within your body to be burned for energy...a double win! Red meat and fish have a significantly higher insulin response so theyre best to avoid in the evening. 2. Cottage Cheese - Cottage cheese is very slow digesting and coats the stomach to be assimilated by the body over many hours. As a protein, it also stimulates glucagon release; a solid pre-bedtime choice. Just make sure youre using plain cottage cheese, not the flavored varieties with added sugars. 3. Green Vegetables - While these arent considered a protein, they contain virtually no calories, are high in fiber, and theyre very filling. 4. A Slow-digesting, Low-carb Protein Shake - the BEST type of pre-bed protein is Casein. It is much slower digesting than Whey. Blend it with almond butter if you want!
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 12:55:05 +0000

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