You may have noticed a little extra selfie action lately! Let me - TopicsExpress


You may have noticed a little extra selfie action lately! Let me explain:) Monday morning I received an Email from a woman who is upset with the selfies I post. She said I was the Kim Kardashian of the health movement (I took that as a compliment). She also informed me that I needed to cover up in my photos and tone it down a bit (heaven forbid I be myself). I gently explained to her that when you lose your father in an accident at age ten, watch your mother work two jobs to put food on the table for you and your sisters, work in the most competitive field as a model for over a decade, suffer then heal yourself of a deadly eating disorder that almost took your life, go through the loss of a ten year relationship, and most recently get completely blasted all over the national media, you gain this little thing called STRENGTH! Strength to say what you want, strength to do what you want and the strength to not give a dam what ANYONE else thinks! Let me tell you folks that is a VERY powerful trait to have and Im not getting rid of it anytime soon! So I just wanted to make it clear in the kindest way possible to any of you as I did to the woman above. If we arent vibrationally clicking here on Facebook land please feel free to Un friend me. I have close to 12,000 followers on this page alone that would be more than happy to fill the spot. I love each and everyone of you and it took a really long time for me to like myself! I simply will not put up with anyone elses negativity at this beautiful time in my life. Other peoples opinions about me just dont matter to me in the least
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 02:07:18 +0000

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