You may have noticed that Walker plans to cut taxes by another 500 - TopicsExpress


You may have noticed that Walker plans to cut taxes by another 500 million dollars which amounts to (according to Walker) about $150 per property owner. I might ask voters to imagine what you can do with 500 million dollars compared to $150. Really, is it so hard to see that by keeping our money together as $500million it is far more valuable to everyone. Just like the measly $13 we saw in this last tax bill by dispersing $100 million back to us. So, lets analyze how the state has gotten here. Some may even ask, how can there be a surplus when spending has increased by $4billion in the two budgets approved by Walker and his minions. One answer, of course, is cuts to education and other programs we all hold dear. But another is BORROWING. This current administration has borrowed more than any other administration the state of Wisconsin has ever seen (Republican OR Democrat). Here is a fine article describing the recent phenomena of borrowing: host.madison/news/local/writers/mike_ivey/under-scott-walker-wisconsin-keeps-increasing-its-long-term-borrowing/article_17c3d58a-2d3a-11e3-90fe-001a4bcf887a.html Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance was even alarmed in 2011 by the increase in bonding as Todd Berry wrote Bonding revenues are nearly 21% of total revenues, up from less than 16%..... Another source that summarizes the state budget quite well is from Ballot pedia: Another question to ask is this. Is it ethically correct to pass out money to buy friends (votes) when we have so much debt to pay back? Much like the proverbial pal that you helped out by borrowing a few hundred dollars to and then you see your pal giving expensive gifts to her/his friends but no payments back to you. As Don Huebscher said in his editorial in the Eau Claire Leader Telegram on October 21st referring to 2013 tax cuts, That $100 million tax cut pales in comparison to the borrowing. Of that $2.05 billion well borrow between now and mid 2015, $1.64 billion will be repaid through general fund dollars. So while we will enjoy a $100 million tax cut that could be described as modest at best well be spending 16 times as much paying principal and interest on previous state spending essentially out of the same pot of money. Did you see that? The borrowing will cost each taxpayer 16 TIMES more than what this lousy tax cut gives back. In some ways I have always held true conservative values dear. Such as: Dont borrow more than I can pay back, Pay my debts ahead of unnecessary or extravagant spending, Be true to my beliefs and family. So it is even more extraordinary that conservative voters are supporting this cast of misfits and liars who betray true values. So, I implore to you that we all do our part in spreading the truth and rescuing our friends, family and neighbors from so much deception. WRITE LETTERS!!
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 00:39:47 +0000

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