You may have prayed, and prayed, and prayed, and prayed, and - TopicsExpress


You may have prayed, and prayed, and prayed, and prayed, and prayed, and prayed, and several days, months, or even years may have passed, yet, you still are waiting. 1. At times we pray for things, and they just are not in God’s will. This is one reason I emphasize how important it is for us to seek God and ask Him to reveal what He desires for us. 2. At other times, we pray for things, yet we fail to do our part. Perhaps there is something the Lord is waiting on YOU to do. (Obedience to God’s instructions is very important.) 3. HOWEVER, quite often, we may pray for something, and we want it “right now”. Yet, it just IS NOT TIME, and because it has not occurred when we thought it should, we may become frustrated, give up, and conclude that it will never happen. For five years, I prayed a very specific prayer, but in this particular instance, the Lord had to prepare me because I was not mature enough to handle it at that time. Some things had to run their course. There were certain people I had to meet along the way, and there were several lessons I had to learn. I personally had to go through a lot before I attained it, but it DID happen. Your situation may call for some growth. On the other hand, you may have already reached that level of maturity, but there are some things that must play out before it happens for you – remember, God’s timing. Although we serve a God who can make anything happen immediately, the Lord may assign a later date for it to occur. He knows the reason, and you must trust His wisdom. If it’s meant for you, it will happen. However, you must remain PATIENT and ensure you are following the Lord’s directives. Also, make sure your motives for obtaining are right. If it is not in God’s will, then don’t worry. There is a reason He doesn’t allow certain things to occur, and very often, it is His way of protecting us. I always say that you don’t want what God does NOT want for you. What He desires for you is what is best. Accept what He is offering you now, and be happy and content with what you currently have. May the Lord bless you with a beautiful, peaceful night, and an amazing sleep when you turn in
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 02:41:13 +0000

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